Friday, April 18, 2014

Dance, Children. Just Dance.

I experienced probably my last WYIS performances today. There's something about kids singing or dancing on stage that often gets me teary-eyed whether I know the kids or not. This has confounded me for awhile. I can understand parents' pride in their kid's work or growth, but what is it about those kids that gets me deep down?

Today I made a connection that may provide a partial answer to my question. Dancing on that stage today were children from several different countries, most of whom had come to our school and had to learn English, often from scratch. They hang out in varying friend groups and were from several grades. I watched them move around in synchronization and began to see what gets me at the heart. On that stage, country, personality, grades, age, social status, personal beliefs didn't matter. They were dancing together. I'll admit these kids weren't in any synchronized-swimmer standard unity. No, in fact, at times they were all over the place but it didn't make a difference to me. They were dancing in unity with one purpose and they were enjoying it. They had obviously spent time learning the dance and each played their part in making the whole.

I wonder if I saw a bit of what our Heavenly Father sees when His children dance in unity. Just like most parents (hopefully) are touched by their children's performances no matter at what quality level they perform, what our Father delights in is our unity and heart. I don't think He looks down and sees how Little Adelita isn't perfectly in sync with the others or how Johnny had to take a pause to pick his nose. When his kids are dancing together, it is a delight.

I think too often we get caught up in what the perfect dance looks like and how to get everyone to accomplish "So You Think You Can Dance"-level synchronization. So if someone isn't up to our standard we vote them out. If we don't like the dance, we quit.  But in the big picture, the important lesson is to become a part of the dance. Join in, whether you know how or not! We all have to learn.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Long Distance Mad Lib

Apparently the beginning of Spring is my once a year time to write. I'm not gonna apologize for posting so sporadically, because I rule the blog- it doesn't rule me :) Mwahahaha.

Caleb and I write a long email to each other every night.  I used to secretly like writing because it gives me time to think and I can savor every word he writes, but lately we're both decidedly wanting to do anything with each other but write- pick noses, hold hands, run through fields of flowers, watch tv, eat vegetables, sit on a get the point. But what, one might ask, could a person write several paragraphs about each night? It's not like either of our lives is very exciting (I know China may seem alluring to some, but it has its routines and ruts). For all those who wonder (and a few mixed in there who really just don't), here's a little Mad Lib-esque template for writing a daily long-distance relationship email. So if you ever happen to be separated from your loved one for a year and a half, here's an idea of what to write about:

Paragraph 1:
"Dear (fill in blank with lovey pet names),
Today was ___(adjective)___.  I woke up and __(verb)_____. My morning was ____(adjective)__________ because __(independent clause)___.  For lunch, I ate ____(noun)____ and it was _(adjective)____.  

Paragraph 2:
After lunch I ___(several sentences going into detail about activities of the afternoon).  I wish you had been there. I thought of you when _____(independent clause)___.  I talked to ___(person's name)___ and they asked about you. They say "hi."  They can't wait to meet you/see you again (circle one). I think you'll really/not really (circle one) get along with them. They're ___(adjective)___.

Paragraph 3:
For dinner, I had ___(noun)__ and it was __(adjective)___.  And now here I am I'm writing you. My day wasn't very exciting, so I don't now what else to write. _________(fill in blanks with several sentences or paragraphs rambling on about your thoughts or opinions about any detail of the day. This is the most exciting part of the email, so wrack your brain real good to think of something you haven't discussed yet- milk cows, fruit trees, the emerging church, homeschooling, education systems, taxes, gun control, get the idea.)______.

Paragraph 4:
Respond to every paragraph written in yesterday's email from your love.

Paragraph 5:
And now I'm going to bed soon.  I miss you so much every day more and more. I can't WAIT to be together.  Just ___(fill in with number of weeks or days)___ left. ____(fill in blanks with why you love that person and how wonderful it would be to be together)___
Your ____(your name)____

PS: my mom says hi

Wow, re-reading this it sounds slightly depressing. It's really not, though writing can get old for sure. Hope you find this template useful...actually I hope you never have to find it useful!

I do hope to write more next year and give everyone my outsider's perspective on life in rural United States after living in large cities for the past 10 years...not to mention a Chinese city which is "bustling" to say the least. It's sure to be enlightening.