Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't Read This Dating Book

Over dinner with Kim this evening, I decided that if I were to write a book, it would be titled "Don't Read This Dating Book" and would recount the many humorous (and not so humorous) contents of Dating Books.

Dating books have their place for sure.  Certainly the books I read as a teen have led me to my present mindset (and ability to laugh at dating books).  But to some extent, I think they all may lack one aspect: truth and humor...also known as sarcasm.  To make up for this loss, the following:
(Warning: These are taken from my life experience, and therefore may be insulting to some...please take with a grain of salt...I'm not making fun of you...specifically)

Possible titles for my book with condensed summaries:

1) Longings of the heart: Read this book if you wish you were dating, but you're not, so you're reading a book about how to date or not date to fulfill your romantic longings by thinking of what you should or should not do once you do have a date.

2) I Kissed Courting Goodbye: Courting is given a new name and thoroughly described.

3) Online Dating: Proactive steps for the desperate.

4) Why Aren't You Married Yet: How not to be afraid of the opposite gender.

5) You'll Get Married When: Finally, a detailed and scientific explanation of why you really will find your significant other once you are finally fully satisfied with your present condition.

6) Things Singles Don't Know: An encyclopedic record of all the things singles don't know because they are not married with kids, listed here in alphabetical order with full and simple explanations of each.  You too can learn about "real life."

7) The Kid Table: Why you always get stuck at the kid table and what to do about it.

8) Making the Most: How to make the most of being single including chapters on "babysitting," "service," and developing skills and talents to attract the opposite gender (recipes included for girls and guitar tips for guys).

9) Share the Bed: Why sleeping with stuffed animals prepares you for your mate.

10) I'm Dating Jesus: Come on people, what does that even mean?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Falling for Fall

It's the end of summer...hopefully.  And I really want fall.  Here's why:

Fall is:
jeans and a hoodie
pumpkin bread fresh from the oven
spiced drinks
fresh wind
dried leaves
walks without sweat
cozy with a book
open arms and deep breaths
sweatpants without the sweat
open windows
family soon

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Growing Zhuankou

This weekend I didn't have any masters work to complete, so decided to go explore. There is a new fancy mall a 5-minute bike ride from our apartment, so Kim and I met up with some friends for dinner and exploring the new place.  We rode our bikes.  The biggest parking area at this mall is for bikes and electric bikes.

Just so you can see how close it is to our apartment, below is a photo from our balcony.  Notice, slightly to the left, is a rounded white structure with spikes. This is a stadium.

The same stadium is seen below, in a picture taken at the entrance to the mall.

At the mall, we encountered some fun Chinglish in the Korean menu.
"Explodes the squid circle"

"The porphyra capensi boards"
And in one of the clothing stores.

We had a great time exploring and the mall really is nice.  It is completely air conditioned, open, and clean. On the way home, we bought this little guy from a street vendor.  In honor of the curious menu that night, we named him "Roasts the Scallion".

Roasts the Scallion